Sunday, May 19, 2013

My Wild World 051913

At this time I am unable to get out to much to explore due to my dads poor health.  Need to stay close by. BUT I do have a feeder outside my window where my computer sits and believe me I am entertained all day with all the birds that come by and the squirrels.  They are so funny watch as they fight for the food. Below are just a couple of birds I happened to catch with my camera. The first one is a chickadee.  They are so cute and he seem pleased to pose for me.

The next one is a Red Bellied Woodpecker.  I so love to watch him!  My dad lives just down the street and he has some Red Headed Woodpeckers visit his feeder....have to remember to take my camera.... 

Hope you enjoyed my list spot in the birding world. Believe me I sooo want to do more exploring when I am able. Next week I'll see what else visit me....til then...happy bird watching!

For more visit Id rather b birdin.


  1. Great selection so far. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  2. Yes, I truly enjoyed your post of beauties!! The only woodpecker I've seen in my area is the Golden Fronted, so seeing this bright, pretty one is a special treat.

    [I wish I could have a bird feeder by my computer window...we did actually, but our two indoor cats tried to break the computer trying to get to the window!!]

    1. Thanks for the smile Anni....I can just see your cats trying to get at the feeder. I have a they don't interest her. I love watching the birds, in fact there is a White Ibis walking around my yard right now digging for bugs.....and a beautiful RED cardinal on the feeder looking at me...Warms the soul! Thanks for the post.

  3. Great birds, love the cute chickadee and the woodpecker. Have a great day!

  4. lovely captures; I especially love the red-capped woodie

  5. love that pecker with it´s red head. :)

  6. Wow, nice captures. Love the woodpecker visiting your feeder. Very cool.
