Saturday, May 11, 2013

My Birds

Where my desk sits at my house, I can see the bird feeder in my yard. I so love watching the birds.  The Blue Jays love my bird bath, it is funny to watch them bath, you would think there are 4 or 5 in there with all the water that is splashed out.

Below are a few of my friends:

These are White Ibis and they walk with their heads down digging for bugs and worms....

 This is a cardinal I took a picture of through my window. I have many of them also.
 This is a Gopher Owl.  (Don't look at my desk....) My husband and I came home one night and he was sitting on the table.....scared us to death. I was able to get the camera with out him moving. He was blinded in one eye.  My husband caught him with a clothes basket and safely put him out side....

This little guy is a sparrow that got into our house also.  (Haven't a clue on how they get in.....) But he was perched on the string of lights....took a while to get him out....


  1. Wow! Finding an owl in your home must have been quite a shock! And commanding your desk too! Interesting photos!

  2. You had an owl in your home?!!! Oh my goodness. Glad to know he was okay and returned outdoors. Hope he does okay tho. You never know. Now.........
    To have a window by our desk so you can view the bird activity in your yard would be an ideal way to spend the day. AND get your work done at the same time. Awesome.

  3. Great birds, the owl is really cool. I hope the owl was Ok. Thanks for sharing, happy Sunday!

  4. Wow!! They all want to leave with you. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  5. Wow, I'm glad you got them out safely.
